Discover The 3 Most Powerful Techniques To Awaken Your Intuition & Amplify Your Abundance 

FREE LIVE Intuition  Master Class That Taps Into The Ancient Wisdom For Modern Living. Discover how anyone, regardless of prior experience, can awaken their unique gifts and lead a more magical life.



Join Jill Foubister, the host of The Intuitive Frequency Podcast and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Coaching Program for a transformational LIVE workshop. If you are into the woo, this is for you. She is pulling back the curtain on one of her three key pillars to strengthening your intuition and manifesting your goals and desires faster. 

This Workshop Will Show You:

Being Intuitive

Discover how you personally sense energy. We are all unique in our own ways.  Discover which of the 5 clairs are you?


Noise to Silence Navigator

The 3 pieces to receiving inner guidance, downloads and actions to take. I am giving you the exact tools I use to communicate with my spirit guides for clarity and innovative ideas. 

Amplify Your Abundance

When you raise your vibration, you become the magnetic force field pulling in what you REALLY want to attract: from people, opportunities, things, and life experiences. 


The Intuitive Frequency



Ready to be guided out of the 3D noise and into the magic of 5D? This is the exact step by step process Jill uses and takes her RYV (Raise Your Vibration) students through. Not only are you going to discover how to communicate with your spirit guides, you will also receive innovative ideas and clarity.