Episode 04: Why I Created This Podcast For You

Aug 28, 2023


 As you heard in last week’s episode, creating a podcast was something that was on my heart for some time, and I shared about how I got clear and intentional about making this desire a reality. In today’s episode, I want to go further and talk about the reasons why I really created this podcast for you, and I reveal more about the spiritual journey that I embarked on from a very young age, in the hopes that some of my experiences can be of help to you.

You probably know that Instagram is where I hang out, but you can only fit so much in a little square box, and I want to have deeper conversations with you that just can’t happen on that platform. So, come hang out with me every Tuesday when I drop a new episode, and if you have a question you’d like answered or topic that you’d like featured on a future episode of this podcast, send me a message on Instagram, @jill_foubister. Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on your favorite podcast app to automatically get the latest episodes downloaded right to your device, and again, I am so very grateful to have you join me on this adventure!

The doors to my signature coaching program, Raise Your Vibration, open on September 14th, 2023 (for very limited time only!) and to be among the first notified when this happens, you can sign up for the waitlist at www.jilltrainings.com. Plus, on September 1st, 2023, I have a BIG secret I’ll be sharing with you, so if you really want to tap into your intuition, you’re going to want to make sure you’re on the waitlist. I cannot wait to share this with you!

What I Cover In This Episode:

  • Why I view a podcast as such a powerful vehicle for making deeper connections [3:15]
  • How I knew from a very young age that we all create our own reality, and something I manifested as a little girl that proves this concept [7:08]

  • The way that I became aware of and started to understand about auras when I was in the 4th grade [17:57] 

  • A few experiences I had in junior high that led me to further explore my intuition and spirituality [19:32]

  • A look at how I really started to hone in on my craft when I became a mother and what I’m doing to be more consistent with these practices [20:31] 

  • The way that launching my program in 2021 ultimately led to creating this podcast [23:20]

  • What frequency means and something that happens when we start to increase it [24:13]

Key Quotes:

“I knew coming into this world, [from] a very young age, we create our own reality. I didn’t call it manifesting, that wasn’t a word I knew, [but] I just knew I create what I want.” [7:08]

“It was the beginning of realizing we are so powerful. Do we even know how powerful we are? There are also moments where this power can actually be a little scary too.” [17:09]

“When you went to Barnes and Noble, it was called the ‘New Age Section.’ It was not an entire row with columns, it was a shelf and a half of 22 books, and that was it. They didn’t have the answers I was looking for.” [20:00]

“I’m now really seeing my guides and I’m starting that communication a little more clearly. Things are getting more open and sensitive, and I’m still trying to learn how to be consistent.” [21:10] 

“When I talk about increasing your frequency, we’re moving up on the emotional scale.” [24:54]


Links & Resources: 

Episode 03: Being Intent
Episode 02: Raising Intuitive Children