Episode 09: Here Is The Biggest Trick Your Mind Will Play On You To Keep You Stuck In The 3D

Oct 03, 2023

We just returned from a trip to Sedona to celebrate by brother’s birthday, and it was three days of fun that honestly just took me back to my childhood. I absolutely love my family and these special times we have together, and it got me thinking about today’s topic, gratitude.

I specifically want to talk about the frequency of gratitude, because gratitude is happiness, which is a frequency. What are you grateful for? Send me a DM or tag me on Instagram, @jill_foubister. Let me know your biggest takeaway from this episode, and as always, I am so grateful for you listening to this podcast!

What I Cover In This Episode:

Highlights from our trip to Sedona and the important aspects of life it reminded me of [1:05]

What the frequency of gratitude is all about [4:10]

The concept of spiritual ego and how it can be blocking your intuition [6:15]

The way to get out of spiritual ego and to start operating from the higher self [10:25]

A question to ask yourself when reflecting on gratitude in your own life [14:46]


Key Quotes:

“Gratitude is happiness and that’s a frequency. You’re either in it or you’re not. You’re not in it like 98 percent, you’re either 100 embodying it, or you’re not.” [4:14]

“We can’t get to the woo, seeing auras, the expansion and the magic if we’re staying stuck in the 3D.” [5:52]

“We do not want to have spiritual ego. That is where your ego has tricked you and convinced you that you are so spiritual, so superior and so enlightened over anyone else, that you can tune everything else out.” [8:13]

“You have to remember you’re a spiritual being having a human experience. That’s you, that’s me, that’s Susie down the road. Which means we’re all spiritual and we’re all walking our own path.” [10:47]

“The spiritual path has no end destination. It’s a path of constantly discovering and returning more and more to who you truly are on a soul level.” [12:46]

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