Episode 10: What Are Chakras
Oct 16, 2023
Are there things in your spiritual toolbox that you have long forgotten about? Inside of my signature coaching program, Raise Your Vibration, I take you on a journey to fill your spiritual toolbox and to increase your frequency, and in this episode, I share how to do it by opening your heart chakra!
So much of what I talk about is related to energy, and learning about your chakras is really the foundation of learning about energy, which is why today, I wanted to give you a breakdown of all the chakras. I also share a personal story that demonstrates just how important of a role these chakras play for each and every one of us.
I hope this episode helps you open your heart chakra and allows that energy to radiate and to fill the room with light, because we are light beings. I’d love to hear your thoughts or questions about the chakras, so send me a DM or tag me on Instagram, @jill_foubister, and always, I am so grateful for you listening to this podcast!
What I Cover In This Episode:
What chakras are and what they do or represent [10:41]
The first of the chakras that is associated with the color orange and impacts your money, relationships and more [15:01]
What the heart, or emotion chakra, is about and why I focus on it inside of my signature coaching program [15:48]
A look at the linear chakra and master chakra [16:13]
An affirmation you can use to help you open your heart chakra and a useful tool to add to your spiritual toolbox [17:38]
The declaration chakra and the “third-eye” that can be opened for spiritual awakening [19:10]
The 7th and final of the major chakras, and one that is associated with white, or violet [20:26]
A personal and vulnerable story from my life that gives a concrete example of what can happen physically to you when your chakras are blocked [22:07]
A final reminder to embrace the tools you have been given and the ones that you have gained on your journey [26:20]
Key Quotes:
“Learning about your chakras is really the foundation of learning about energy.” [10:60]
“One thing we want do is protect our aura, protect our energy, allow that energy to continue to flow through us, and not close [our chakras].” [21:17]
“Open the chakra and allow that energy to radiate, to fill the room with light, because we are light beings.” [25:33]
“What tools have you been given, and you have gained along your journey that have really helped you, but maybe you left them in the side door of the car, or under the seat, and you’ve forgotten about them?” [26:27]
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