Episode 13: Signs From The Universe That Will Change The Way You See The World
Dec 06, 2023
Recently I spoke at James Wedmore's Performance Mastermind about going into the silence, as there is so much power and freedom waiting for you there. I wanted to go further on this subject with you today on the podcast.
It is in the silence where you can take the seat of the observer, turn down the monkey mind and really open yourself up to the communication from the Universe and the signs given to you. In this episode, I’m talking about the signs from the Universe, both the big ones and small ones, that will change the way you see the world!
What are some of the signs that you’ve been given that have had an impact on you? How did you gain awareness of them? I’d love to hear your thoughts or questions on this topic, so send me a DM or tag me on Instagram, @jill_foubister, and always, I am so grateful for you listening to this podcast!
What I Cover In This Episode:
- What we often tend to do when asking for signs from the Universe and why this actually hinders the process [7:14]
- How a big sign can appear, plus the way to know that it’s a big sign [10:53]
What the more subtle signs can look like and how to make sure you don’t miss them [15:03] - A quick exercise you can do to help you become more aware of the subtle signs [29:06]